
584 resultados para lexical

  • Efetividade do direito à alimentação: o que a produção científica nas áreas do direito e da saúde coletiva possibilitam compreender?

    A alimentação é um direito humano fundamental, de cunho social e político, cabendo ao Estado garantir sua efetividade e executar medidas de combate à omissão a quaisquer violações. O objetivo do presente estudo foi compreender como a efetividade do direito à alimentação é abordada pela literatura científica, tanto na área do direito quanto na da saúde coletiva. Tratou-se de um estudo com...

    ... Tratou-se de um estudo com abordagem qualitativa, realizado por meio de análise de conteúdo lexical da produção cientí!ca nas áreas escolhidas, utilizando-se o so!ware Iramuteq. Concluiu-se que existe uma diferença signi!cativa na abordagem ...
  • Azerbaijani literary language of the 17th century: the socio-political content and language of the era

    The article reveals the sociopolitical content of the XVII century. Both dependence on foreigners and the influence of internal tensions between tribes on the political life of the Safavid state are investigated. In such historical circumstances, the cultural environment is also based on sources that have not yet been identified. Under such circumstances, a description of the language is given....

    ... and appears. As a result, it is noted that the 17th century very dynamically develops phonetic, lexical and grammatical norms in the direction of nationalization. The development of literary language, of course, all levels of language are available. But ...
  • System of derivational chains in russian nouns: linguistic and methodical aspects

    The article describes the phenomenon of consistent derivation of words. The concept "word-forming chain" is used for its description in Russian linguistics. The subject of the study is the word-forming chains of nouns as a methodologically relevant means of language teaching. The purpose of the work is to characterize the structural and semantic properties of word-forming chains in the sphere of...

    ... The purposeful methodical work on the study of consistent derivation as a language phenomenon promotes an active perception of many lexical and grammatical phenomena, as well as the development of the necessary skills of ... Periódico do Núcleo de Estudos e Pesquisas sobre Gênero e ...
  • Language features of books for christian tatars and karaman turks

    This article is carried out in line with comparative studies and is devoted to the study of the specific language features of baptized Tatars and Karamanlid Turks. The need to study this topic is caused by increased attention to the Kryashen and Karamanlid dialects, their linguistic features and history. The objects of study were religious texts, textbooks and literary works in Kryashen and...

    ... The theoretical basis of this study is the following main points: language and religion are interconnected and interdependent; phonetic and lexical features reflect the specifics of the language; sacred texts, textbooks and literary works make it possible to identify the history and origin of the ...
  • A bald man' or kaloghlan

    Tale onomastic has a longer life than other specimens of folklore. Sometimes we come across a name in a tale, in one language in another folklore specimen, or in the folklore specimens belonging to different peoples. Naturally this is the case, which we observe in the tales of relative peoples. In the formulation of the names of characters, the character of narrator of the tale, the ethnic...

    ... Consequently, we happen to see the unique lexical panorama of folk-lore specimens in the Turkic ... 1 Baku Slavic University. durdana_a@mail.ru ... languages. We witness this case in the tales ...
  • Assumptions of social management in the Brazilian perspective: A parallel with international approaches

    Social management is a broad multidisciplinary field; thus, it requires consensus among scholars. This paper responds to two questions: What elements and categories are prioritized in social management studies by Brazilian scholars? Is there novelty in the elements of SM at the Brazilian approach or it is a superposition with other international perspectives? The methods were lexical analysis,...

    ... novelty in the elements of SM at the Brazilian approach or it is a superposition with other international perspectives? The methods were lexical analysis, descending hierarchical classification techniques, correspondence analysis, and similarity analysis. The hierarchical clustering of ...
  • Análisis textual de artículos científicos publicados sobre fósiles colombianos

    Objetivo: Identificar as proximidades lexicais em um corpus de textos de artigos científicos publicados em revistas acadêmicas indexadas na base de dados Scopus sobre fósseis colombianos. Método: Este trabalho aplica a análise textual a cinco artigos paleontológicos sobre fósseis colombianos, a fim de identificar a proximidade lexical em um corpus de textos. Este trabalho permitiu determinar: as...

  • Loans of word in synonymy of the tatar language

    The vocabulary of each language consists of words that enable people to call the things they see and express their attitude towards them, characterize and compare them with the others. To do it, one uses lexical and grammatical means of native language and the borrowed ones from other kindred languages and unrelated languages. If in the beginning these “foreign” words are perceived as exoticisms,

    ... To do it, one uses lexical and grammatical means of native language and the borrowed ones from other kindred languages and unrelated languages. If in the beginning these ...
  • O Sentido do Trabalho para o Agente Funerário

    O objetivo do presente artigo é investigar o sentido do trabalho para o agente funerário. Trata-se de um estudo descritivo e de natureza qualitativa. Os dados foram coletados por meio de entrevistas com roteiro semiestruturado e analisados por meio de estudo lexical e de conteúdo. Os discursos apontam que, apesar das dificuldades e limitações de sua atuação profissional, os agentes funerários...

    ... Os dados foram coletados por meio de entrevistas com roteiro semiestruturado e analisados por meio de estudo lexical e de conteúdo. Os discursos apontam que, apesar das dificuldades e limitações de sua atuação profissional, os agentes funerários encontram ...
  • Active processes in usual affixation word formation of the contemporary russian language

    The article is devoted to the study of usual affixation word formation as one of the most important operating mechanisms in the Russian derivation system. The goal of the research is to reveal active processes and main trends in usual affixation word formation of the contemporary Russian language.W. Humboldt’s work, where the language is considered not only as a product of human activity, but as...

    ... 8 - Nº 04 - Ano 2019 – Special Edition ISSN | 2179-7137 | http://periodicos.ufpb.br/ojs2/index.php/ged/index ... lexical derivatology, lexical semantics, neology, and language stylistics problems. The promising character of elaborating the declared subject is ...
  • Cultural peculiarities in translation of colloquial vocabulary

    The present article studies peculiarities of colloquial vocabulary of English, Russian and French languages on the material of fictional texts and their translation, particularly works by S. Maugham and their translation into Russian and French. Special attention is paid to the problem of preserving stylistic component when translating from one language into another. Since the languages...

    ... One of the problems in this aspect is that translator has to find not only corresponding lexical or phraseological units to preserve semantic components of the original, but also follow the stylistic mode of the text and at the same time do ...
  • Seleção de sintagmas nominais na indexação automática

    O uso dos sintagmas nominais como instrumentos de organização da informação vem se mostrando uma alternativa promissora às palavras isoladas na construção dos sistemas de recuperação de informação. Nesse contexto, a indexação automática por sintagmas nominais minimiza alguns problemas encontrados na indexação baseada em palavras isoladas, como, por exemplo, a sinonímia e a polissemia. No entanto,

    ... ao escopo dos critérios, predominam em número os baseados em características do sintagma nominal (estrutura gramatical, nível, conteúdo lexical) e quanto a adoção predominam os baseados no conteúdo do documento e no conteúdo do corpus ... Conclusões: A principal contribuição deste ...
  • Speech portrait of a political leader (based on the inaugural addresses of the russian and US presidents)

    An inaugural address is part of the political reality of the country, and represents an essential moment in delivering political visions for the future by presidents. The given paper deals with the inauguration speeches of Vladimir Putin (2018) and Donald Trump (2017) and is aimed at analyzing the role of verbal means in forming the speech portraits of political leaders. By means of comparative...

    ... By means of comparative content analysis we looked for grammatical, lexical and stylistic elements peculiar to a specific linguistic persona while comparing the speeches of the presidents as well as we attempted to determine ...
  • Person speech behavior markers in extreme situation (according to suakhili literary source)

    An extreme situation implies an active influence on the psychologicalemotional state of a person, which is expressed in tension, agitation, aggression and other manifestations of temperament, deviated from the generally accepted norms of behavior. In artistic texts, the representation of a person's speech behavior in an extreme (conflict) situation is realized through the Swahili language means...

    ... Phonetics-graphic, grammatical and lexical markers are distinguished, the most frequent of them are identified (the use of a wide range of interjections, the highlighting of a phrase ... with ...
  • The ethno-cultural essence of linguistic consciousness

    Each culture is based on a specific system of subject meanings, social stereotypes and cognition patterns. The “worldview” invariant is determined by socially developed supports (by meanings, in the first place). In its turn, there may be a worldview which is common for the whole society (for a socio-cultural community or ethnos) or an individual one typical of a specific group (a socio-cultural...

    ... 8 - Nº 07 - Ano 2019 – Special Edition ISSN | 2179-7137 | http://periodicos.ufpb.br/ojs2/index.php/ged/index ... lexical meaning, connotations, world view, mentality, linguistic consciousness ... Introduction ... Postmodernism gave rise to a system of values ...
  • Anglo-american linguistic borrowings in the political media discourse (a case study of modern french press)

    One of the brightest manifestations of the globalization era within the framework of increasing intercultural contacts is the active processes of interpenetration of languages with the domination of Anglo- Americanisms in many languages of the world. It is the English language that occupies a special position today and fulfills the role of the universally recognized language of international...

    ... In this paper, within the framework of an integrated approach, English-language lexical borrowings and the specifics of their use in articles of a political orientation are considered. In the course of the study, it was established that ...
  • Structural and word-formative features of verbs of behavior in the tatar language

    The articles are devoted to the study of one of the lexico-semantic groups of verbs in the Tatar language – behavioral verbs, which mean the action and actions of a person who has received one or another social coloring: This group of verbs differs from the verbs of other lexico-semantic groups by specific features: they represent the principles of human behavior in society. The relevance of the...

    ... structural-word-and-phraseological features of the verbs of behavior that would contribute to a complete and comprehensive analysis of the lexical structure of the grammar. In the article, the derivational possibilities of the Tatar language verbs at the level of the word-derivative paradigm ...
  • Verbal emotional-expressive sentences in tatar and french languages

    The decisive aspect of society development in the modern world is scientific and cultural interaction, cooperation. We hope that this article, devoted to the study of emotional- expressive syntax in Tatar and French, will make a definite contribution to the development of world scientific and intercultural understanding and cooperation. The problem studied in this article is significant and...

    ... The linguistic specificity of the axiological syntactic units of Tatar and French languages is expressed in their emotional-evaluative lexical content and is associated with the cultural and national characteristics of the studied language bearers. The obtained results make a definite ...
  • Semantic word formation of dialect verbs: linguoculturological and cognitive aspects

    The article is dedicated to the research of semantic word formation of verbs in the language space of Russian subdialects. From the point of cognitive linguistics, the semantic verb derivatives are observed in the system of subdialects. The analysis of several word-formative models is given and structural-semantic and paradigmatic relations between derivatives and inflections in the sphere of...

    ... Moreover, derivative processes are equally important for construction and understanding of language picture of the world as lexical-phraseological or stylistic phenomena ... Keywords: subdialect, dialect, derivation, semantic derivation, word ... Periódico do Núcleo de Estudos ...
  • Expressive syntactic structures in m.e. Saltykovshchedrin's artistic discourse

    The article is dedicated to the research of expressive syntactic structures in M.E. Saltykov-Shchedrin’s artistic discourse that received major or minor types and phraseological statuses. By strikingly combining and synthesizing real and fictional things, writer reaches the heights of satirical imagery. It should be noted that, judging by the satirical nature of his works, the intensity semantics

    ... They are formed on the base of constant components that make up sentence’s carcass, which provides free lexical filling. Meanwhile, the sphere of relational meanings is complicated by the modus-expressive meanings. Semantics of contrast, unusualness, suddenness ...
  • Acórdãos nº 0115457-77.2007.8.26.0053 de 11ª Câmara de Direito Público, 2 de Abril de 2018

    RECURSO DO RÉU - Ação de cobrança – Alegação da Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo – FAPESP, de que o réu obteve o direito à bolsa de treinamento técnico, para que integrasse o projeto de pesquisa denominado "Integrando Parâmetros Contínuos e Discretos em Modelos do Conhecimento Fônico e Lexical", sob orientação da Professora Doutora Eleonora Cavalcante Albano, vinculada ao...

    ... projeto de pesquisa denominado "Integrando Parâmetros Contínuos e Discretos em Modelos do Conhecimento Fônico e Lexical", sob orientação da Professora Doutora Eleonora Cavalcante Albano, vinculada ao Instituto de Linguagem da Universidade ...
  • The development of linguocultural skills among future russian language teachers outlined in university educational programs

    The issue of developing linguocultural competence among future Russian language teachers is relevant in the context of multicultural educational space, considering that this competence is the most important and professionally significant personal quality. The development of linguocultural competence ensures student’s readiness to implement the ideas of the culturological approach in the process...

    ... the unit in folklore and/or biblical discourse. 4. Linguistic (lexical) meaning, short definition. 5. Synonyms. 6. Antonyms. 7. Word-building. 8. Idioms. 9. Epithets. 10. Aphorisms, proverbs, sayings. 11 ...
  • Educating the verbal semantics in the context of actantial distribution

    This study is based on the theory of methods of verbal action (MVA), presented in the works by O.M. Sokolov. Prefixed Russian verbs are considered as part of a functional approach to language analysis. The authors prove that the verb prefixes in the Russian language should be considered as separate linguistic elements, which provide the characteristics of the subject or object actant.

    ... 3. Discussion ... Previously, the verbal prefixes were studied in various aspects. To date, the lexical meanings of both whole prefix groups and the meaning of individual prefixes have been comprehensively described, the ... relationship between verb ...
  • Fundamentos em processamento de linguagem natural: uma proposta para extração de bigramas

    É senso comum que o texto escrito é uma importante forma de registrar as informações e que atualmente grande parte desse conteúdo informacional está disponível em meio digital. Entretanto, de maneira geral, os computadores lidam com o texto como sendo uma cadeia de caracteres que não têm nenhum significado. A área de Processamento de Linguagem Natural (PLN) vem se empenhando em extrair...

    ... Nesse sentido, Villavicencio et al. (2010) destacam que muitas pesquisas têm buscado formas de automatização na aquisição lexical. Esses trabalhos buscam entender a formação dos recursos lexicais, uma área ainda carente de pesquisas ... Para melhor explicar o método ...
  • Cognitivismos interpretativos: de Pufendorf a Windscheid
    ... , considerando-as, primeiro, isoladamente, e, depois, em conexão com as outras palavras (o que Pufendorf chama de “interpretação lexical”); ... Em segundo lugar, é necessário formular conjeturas a partir das próprias palavras e de outros indícios da verdadeira vontade ...

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